Too many options too little choices.

06 Oct 2017

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been learning to work in different frameworks. In particular, I have been studying a UI framework called, “Semantic UI”. This User Interface framework is used as a helper application to build webpages. On the surface, this framework is quite simple to begin to use and appears to be quite focused on the user interface. Where the user is the programmer creating the web page. This particular framework attempts to move the line from traditional coding languages in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to a more normal human readable/intuitive language. For example, if you would like to make a picture larger, you can just add the tag “Big” or even “Massive”. On the other hand, because I have been learning it within the context of a classroom environment, it has become extremely difficult. Having a little previous background in HTML and CSS, from experiences, I have already experienced web design using the more traditional coding format. As mentioned in my previous post about “Old Dogs...”, this total change in a way of thinking has been really difficult. When present a problem, such being presented with a design of a web page and told to create the web page, I think to myself that I can do this. First, I should… Opps, wait, hold on a second. I cannot do any of that, that is the traditional way to do things and I am trying to learn to use this new framework. So, how do I do this using the Semantic UI? umh… I am required to do this with the Semantic UI… Now, I am stuck, the traditional way is stuck in my brain and changing the pathways of thought are extremely difficult.

To complicate matter even further, I have been still been struggling with the user interface of GitHub and IntelliJ. I am using GitHub as my project manager program to help me to back up and save my work and using IntelliJ as environment what I am writing my code within. Having just learned these, I have already had to use them with the “Underscore” library (also mentioned in the previous post). Unfortunately, without feeling like I have mastered that library, GitHub or IntelliJ, I am already proceeding on to “new and greater” stuff. Once again, I find myself needing more time to process all these new concepts.

On the other hand, when looking over “Semantic UI”, I can clearly see how when mastered, it will be a lot easier to use as there will be less memorizing of specific coding. This will also reduce the amount of time that I will be spending on looking up the specific coding syntax for performing a specific task, since the syntax is more natural.

So where does that leave everything. Unfortunately, for my class, I am in a bit of a quandary. I need more time to practice these skills. In order to help me to manage my time, I would like to have this study time be directed. Thankfully, the class has provided a resource that will hopefully allow me to accomplish this. Every Wednesday, the teaching assistant from the other section of the class is offering a tutoring help session called the “Denny WOD”. While I have attended these sessions before, I have not done it consistently. I now plan to attend these sessions as often as I can.

In focusing on the larger picture, I believe that the long term results of this learning experience will be overwhelmingly positive. By learning this more intuitive way to design web pages, it will require less memorization (which is one of weakness) and give me more tools to use. After all having more ways to do the same things can never be a bad thing. Once I am outside of the classroom environment, which is requiring concepts to be performed along strict guideline, I will be able to make my own choices on which tools to use and where to use them. If I am more comfortable programming using the traditional tools, I can do so. If I find that using the new tools, such as the Underscore Library or Semantic UI, allows me to work quicker and provide more functionality, I can use those. Most importantly, if I am trying to do something one way and get stuck, I will have several back up tools that I can utilize. So now I just have to pass this class and move on to real life. 😊